Monday, September 27, 2010

Chicks in da Grinder

Now of course this post isn't being put out to make a statement. This is a video put out as propaganda, but its still interesting if you havent seen it yet. Check it out fellows


  1. Just realized, Rusty Cage by Soundgarden <3

  2. ha great post. people dont realize that if you want to eat chicken this is how it has to be done to mass produce it to the world. other wise chicken meat would be scarce and more expensive. this is extremely fucked up tho, it reminded me of my time spent in Auschwitz

  3. Brutal stuff... Its a harsh reality but how else can we continue to feed ourselves? Can't force people not to eat chicken, and with the quantities we consume factories like the one shown are absolutely necessary.

    Supply and Demand!

  4. music needs to be livelier... this would go great with the benny hill theme

  5. hahaha oh please made a vid with benny hill over this

  6. this is a good post that makes me want to come back for more
